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Link to recognise fractions

Recognise fractions

Recognise fractions
eg 3/8

Equivalent fractions diagram

Equivalent Fractions
Age 11-12

3/5 = 15/25

Equivalent Fractions diagram maker

Instructions: Enter the required fraction, if you want quarters enter 4, then click on the green button. To delete a row enter 0 then click on the green button.

Fraction diagram 1: large vertical A4 diagram with a maximum of ten fractions.
Fraction diagram 2: two fraction diagrams each with a maximum of ten fractions.

Equivalent fractions number line

Equivalent Fraction lines

Identify three fractions on a number line (0 to 1)
A number line (0 to 1) split up in to two random fractions, eg 5ths and 20ths.

Equivalent fraction lines maker. Enter the required fraction and then click on the green button.


Lowest common multiple and highest common factor

Age 11-12

Find the lowest common multiple of two numbers, eg 6 and 9
Find the highest common factor of two numbers, eg 36 and 27
Cancel fractions to their simplest form
Find the unknown numerator or denominator

link to worksheet

Calculate fractions of amounts

Age 11-12
Calculate fractions of amounts.

eg What is one tenth of 100, 30, 500...
eg 3/10 of 50, 20, 100...
eg 4/5 of 50, 35, 100...
eg 1/5 of 35, 2/3 of 51

Fractions of amounts eg 1/2 of 120, 1/5 of 125

Age 12-13
Calculate fractions of amounts.

eg 3/5 of 17, 2/3 of 25


Percentage of money

Age 11-12
Use mental methods to calculate percentages

Percentage of money (10%, 15%, 25%, 50% and 75%)
Percentage of money (multiples of 10% and whole number percentages less than 10%)

Use a calculator to calculate percentages

Percentage of money eg 23% of £345

Age 12-13
Use mental methods to calculate percentages

Percentage of money (multiples of 5%)

Percentage of a line

Estimate percentages
Age 11-12

Estimate the percentage of a line that is shaded.

Use proportions to interpret pie charts: estimate the size of each slice.

Age 12-13

Estimate percentages and amounts from pie charts.


Calculate percentages of amounts using a calculator
Age 12-13

Calculate percentages of a total, a pie chart is shown.

eg 250 people represents 31%
250 4 31represents 1%
250 4 31 x 100 represents 100%

Age 13-14

Use a unitary method to calculate amounts, a pie chart is shown.


Equivalence of fractions, decimal and percentages
link to worksheet

Age 11-12

Fractions, decimals and percentages less than or greater than 1/2, 1/4 or 3/4

Ratio and proportion

eg 9:36 = 1:4

eg 12:32 = ? : 8

Age 11-12

Simplify a two-part ratio to an equivalent ratio by cancelling.

Simplify a two-part ratio to an equivalent ratio by cancelling. Fill in the missing numbers.

Link to worksheet

Age 11-12

Fill in the missing numbers on a number line.

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