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Less than and Greater than games

Find the Fraction

Link to Find the Fraction

Rob8 the robot thinks of a fraction. Try to find the fraction in as few guesses as possible. Rob8 will give clues to help you find the fraction. Can you work out a strategy that will enable you to find the fraction in as few guesses as possible every time?

Use the slider to input the fraction then click on the 'check' button. Rob8 will use < and > signs to help you find the fraction.
Slider and 'check' button

The fractions can be shown or hidden by clicking on the fraction buttons.
Fraction buttons

Link to What's the Number?

The computer thinks of a number. Try to find the number in as few guesses as possible. You will be given clues to help you find the number. Can you work out a strategy that will enable you to find the number in as few guesses as possible every time?

First decide the range, the smaller the range, the more decimals places you will have to work to.
Range buttons
Either type in the number or use the digit buttons then click on the 'check' button or press <enter>.
< and > signs are used to help you find the number.
Input number
The numbers and the scale can be shown or hidden using these buttons:
Hide or show the scale.


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